Viva Cuba’s first Graveline Cemetery Tour brings history alive…
Historical Figures came from around the cemetery to meet the trolley and tell their story. Sunday’s Cuba Fest-related historical tour of Kinder Cemetery [...]
Historical Figures came from around the cemetery to meet the trolley and tell their story. Sunday’s Cuba Fest-related historical tour of Kinder Cemetery [...]
Esther is a great supporter for Viva Cuba even though she only shows up once a year. Esther is a trolley driver for [...]
Usually Viva Cuba encourages people to slow down, get a brochure, and look at the murals. But on March 27, 2010, we suggest [...]
Viva Cuba Celebrates 25th anniversary with trolley tours and the “Queens of the Chili” Viva Cuba, a local beautification organization, celebrates 25 years [...]
Cuba Fest 2009 is on the way...October 17-18... A 1904-style Trolley, Apple Butter, Crafts, Music, Cemetery Tour, Great Food, the list goes on and on... [...]