Santa and a fan

The look on this guy’s face tells it all.

Cuba, Missouri: While Santa gets a lot of attention this time of year, Cuba’s Santa is working all year long. That beard is real, his persona is maintained year round, and the Spirit of Christmas is ever-present for Cuba’s favorite Santa.

Once while on vacation (yes, Santa takes vacations), Santa and Mrs. Claus were walking up a mountain to see a waterfall. On the way up, they met a family who had to stop so that the kids could visit for a short while. Then they walked to an area with a steep drop off. The family was many yards away, but a the little boy hollered back and said, “Careful Santa, don’t fall off.”

When Santa is out and about, Grandparents often ask to have their photo taken with Santa so that they can send it to their grandchildren.  And parents will often use his presence during the year to tell their children, “Santa is watching you.”

Santa Claus You Better Watch Out

Santa keeps his eye on all the boys and girls.

Santa Claus 2011

Santa is very aware of what he tells the children.

Santa reading

Sometimes Santa entertains the kids with a reading.

A recent interview with Santa brought out some of the “best practices” for our Santa.

  1. Kids usually ask where Mrs. Claus is and why she isn’t with me. Of course, she is home baking cookies and what–not for the elves.
  2. They always wonder where my reindeer are. I tell them they are very shy, so I have them tied up out in the woods and drive the jeep when they are not around. I always tell the kids that “jeep” is the official car of Santa Claus. They ask me if I drove from the North Pole. Of course not, I came in the sleigh and then drove into town in the jeep. They want to know about Rudolph and the other reindeer.
  3. They ask about the key that I have hanging on my belt. It is a magic key and allows me to get into houses without chimneys. It opens the front door on Christmas Eve.
  4. They are concerned about how I get all the toys delivered in one night. That is a hard one to explain. I tell them that time slows down for me, and I get it all done in one night. It’s magic.
  5. I never promise a child a specific toy or item. I use the reason that the Elves are so busy that they may not be able to get their item ready for this Christmas. I tell them that if I can’t get exactly what they want, I will bring them something that they will like.
  6. They are continually asking for live animals and that can be a touchy subject with parents. I always tell the kids that the sleigh is too cold for live animals and that animals are something they need to ask for from their parents.
  7. I had a few incidents where a child has asked for a sick loved one to get better, and I always tell them there are some things Santa can’t do, but I tell them I will say a prayer for their loved ones. It is the same thing with lost animals.

Santa. You gotta love him.

Cuba Fest October 2011

Santa wore his “summer outfit” when the temperatures soared in October.

Santa Cuba Missouri

You just have to believe in Santa.

Recently, Santa got this story from a mother: My daughter saw Santa with a group…and she told her sister that she was sure that he was a fraud, because his beard ‘wasn’t real,” so she wouldn’t tell him what she wanted (she’s 9). So then she told her big sister that the Santa at Aerofil was the real Santa because his beard was real… and she doesn’t care if she sees another Santa, so next year we we’ll be looking for you again. She told me a few weeks ago that she heard a rumor that Santa wasn’t real (at school-4th grade). I said, “Oh yeah, what do you think?” She said, “I think he’s real….”

All photos graciously supplied by Santa and his Elves. All rights reserved.