These young men from the Cuba area lost their lives in WW II.
The organization Viva Cuba is all about beautification. We have had some involved, long-term, and rather expensive projects.
However, at times it doesn’t take much to add beautification. Think about Christmas and and its twinkling lights. Put a strand of lights on a tree, bush, or column, and you have beautification.
There is another type of similar beautification that involves the red, white, and blue of the American flag. Whether it be the full flag, some bunting, or the colors used in a certain way, there is instant beautification.
A look at our Gold Star Boys mural unveils the country’s colors at their deepest level. The faces of the young men in the train are the faces of area youth who did not return from WW II. They died serving their country and fighting for freedom. Their mothers received the Gold Star Medal.
The bunting that was draped in the Viva Cuba Garden this week, while more superficial, symbolizes our flag and all that it stands for.
Join us in beautifying by flying your flag or hanging bunting and remember the freedom that it represents.

Bunting enhances the Garden for the 4th