Michelle Loughery's murals of celebrities have brought her into contact with many Country & Western stars.
In May, we published, “Mural artist update for Canadian artist Michelle Loughery.” Loughery is the Canadian artist who helped Viva Cuba begin the Cuba, MO mural project.
Michelle Loughery’s latest commission in Vernon, Canada is pictured in this article. A look at this mural will show a similarity in style to some of Cuba, Mo’s murals.
When Loughery was in Cuba, she called her style heritage murals, for they included the history, individuals, and culture of the area where she was painting.
Loughery painted the A.J. Barnett mural in Cuba, assisted by local artist Shelly Smith Steiger, and the Gold Star Boys mural in Cuba, again assisted by Steiger. Oversized characters in her murals are a trademark.
Since her work in Cuba, Loughery has continued her work in the international arena.