Why is there a “Signs Not Permitted” Sign in the Viva Cuba Garden?
Ellen would get a kick out of this sign. People laugh at it. Some say they are going to send a picture of it [...]
Ellen would get a kick out of this sign. People laugh at it. Some say they are going to send a picture of it [...]
Cuba, MO "Route 66 Mural City": As the sun crept down Route 66 and peeped over the old Midway Building at the intersection [...]
Photos were aken along the Route 66 mural corridor in Cuba, MO. These were taken Christmas morning about 10:00. It was [...]
Seasonal beautification may come just once a year: Halloween jack-o'-lanterns, Christmas lights, and flying flags. It sometimes comes from [...]
When Viva Cuba, the beautification organization in Cuba, Missouri plans their public art, they do not always anticipate the impact of the art. [...]