In light of COVID-19, the 36th annual Cuba Trash Bash has been cancelled for MAY 2, 2020. Although the pandemic prevents us from gathering as a group in Viva Garden this year, we invite you to pitch-in and pick-up trash as part of a clean-up month in Cuba.
JOIN THE TRASH BASH CHALLENGE: During the month of May, we welcome volunteers from organizations, churches, businesses, residents, families, and youth to help bash the trash in Cuba.
Contact event coordinator, LINDA PREVOST at 573-205-8347 to get details and request a street or area. Viva Cuba will provide trash bags at Countryside Market, across from Maces on Highway 19 N. We strongly suggest wearing gloves and following social distancing guidelines recommended by the CDC.
Send your TRASH BASH CHALLENGE photos with your name, and participants to and we’ll share them on Facebook and here.
Working together, we can make a difference. After all, keeping Cuba clean should not just be a one-day event.
Let’s keep Cuba clean!