Enjoy some past blog information about the Island of Cuba and Cuba, Missouri…With the island of Cuba in the news lately, its time to take another look at Cuba, Missouri’s relationship to all the Cubas. And we will repeat the story of how Cuba, Missouri got its name. And there is the Cuba, Missouri Senior Class trip of 1952 to Havana.
Viva Cuba’s blog started in April 2009. With the idea that some of our newer readers may have missed a few noteworthy blogs, we occasionally feature a past blog. This one explores the idea of how many Cubas there are in the United States. Some googling and research showed that there are 9. Of course, we like to think that none are as unique as our Cuba, but you will find that some of the “other” Cuba’s also have their claims to fame.
Check out “How many Cubas are there in the US?”
If travel opened up to the island of Cuba, would you go? Some of our local Cubans have already been there. Read “Cuba, No Castro…Now and then…” to hear the story of a very special senior trip and other interesting anecdotes about our connection to the island of Cuba. The Senior Class of 1952 started their trip to Cuba by bus by way of Steelville, Missouri. You would probably pick a different method today.
Personally, if travel opened up to the island of Cuba, I would like to be one of the first ones there. I would like to set foot on Cuba, hold up a sign that says “I’m from Cuba, Missouri,” and have Anderson Cooper of CNN interview me. I am sure he would get there first.

Even though the Fanning US 66 General Store is only 4 miles for Cuba, Missouri, the sign seems to be indicating a different Cuba.
Even though the Fanning US 66 General Store is only 4 miles west of Cuba, Missouri on Route 66, the sign “90 Miles to Cuba” seems to be indicating a different Cuba.
How Cuba was named: *Before Cuba was founded, there was a small post office to the west of where Cuba is now. It was named Amanda for the postmaster George M. Jamison’s wife. Then, anticipating the railroad, two men Trask and Ferguson surveyed a town along where the future railroad would be. The responsibility for naming the town is said to have belonged to George Jamison and Wesley Smith. Smith suggested the name Cuba as a show of support for Cuban citizens, who were then under Spain’s rule. Others said it was because citizens had visited the beautiful island of Cuba. Jamison wanted to name the town for his wife Amanda. Legend says that they stood a stick on end, and they let it fall. How the stick fell determined the name of the town. Even though the new town was named Cuba, Amanda was not forgotten. During the 2007 celebration of Cuba’s sesquicentennial, the town celebrated “Amanda Days” with music, contests, food, and other activities.