Viva Cuba is sponsoring a photo contest with a theme Our Town for high school students in grades 9-12 in the Crawford County RII school district. As long as students (14-18) are in the Cuba district and enrolled in a home school or private school program, they can participate.
Entries should be of scenes within the city limits of Cuba and can be interior or exterior shots. Three judges with expertise in photography will judge the entries on technical skill, composition, originality, and compliance with the theme and contest rules. Only one photo entry per contestant is allowed.
All entries must be turned into the Highway 19 Peoples Bank by the end of the business day Tuesday, November 4, 2013.
Winning categories will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ($35, $25, $15). Photos will be displayed after the judging. The entry form and more detailed rules are available above ( click on the photo and then print) or from Cuba High School business teacher Mrs. Suzanne Bouse at the Crawford County R-II School on Wildcat Pride Drive in Cuba, MO.
Students take your best shot. Viva Cuba is looking for winners.
Here’s a link with just the Contest Flyer/Entry: