This ghost town shot by John Herman provides an eerie photo that catches the evening skies and shows a multitude of stars.
Cuba businessman John Herman‘s interest in photography began in college when he took highly technical photos of Olympic athletes. Later, he developed an interest in astronomy. This past winter a 3-day photo class in Death Valley brought his interests together, and the results are amazing. Herman recently had an exhibit at Cuba Lakes Golf Club. You can read about Herman’s photo journey in this Cuba Free Press article.
If you were not able to attend the photo exhibit, we are sharing some of Herman’s photos below. The melding of spacious landscapes and technical expertise make for some excellent viewing. Herman is one of Cuba’s growing number of talented photographers.

This dawn scene shows Herman and his classmates setting up their tripods at Zabriski Point, one of Death Valley’s most scenic views.

The class at Death Valley started at 4:30 am each morning in order to capture the best light. After a break, classes resumed at 6:30 pm until after midnight.
All photo rights reserved to John Herman. No photos used without permission.