This young Route 66 fan is setting out for treasure hunting on the Route. Is he traveling incognito?
This week’s Cuba Free Press carried an ad about the miles & miles of yard sales & flea markets from Villa Ridge through St. James slated for Labor Day Weeekend.
Locally, the Cuba & St. James Chambers are promoting this special sale on September 1, 2, 3, & 4. The chambers are urging you to join in this annual event. Cruising Route 66 can be a bargain hunters paradise during these dates.
If you want to have a sale or get the map for the sale…
If you place your yard slae ad in the Cuba Free Press, Steelville Star, Extra and Saint James Press you can receive the following:
–Up to 20-word sale listing (50 cents a word after that)
–Ads will run on the website (we don’t know what website)
–All this for $10
The ad and map for bargain hunting will be published Sept. 1 in the Cuba Free Press, Extra, and Saint James Press, and Aug. 31 in the Steelville Star.
Get your ads in August 26 by noon if you want to participate.
The ad didn’t mention it, but I would think this would be a good time for local businesses to feature some sales/displays for the folks cruising these towns on Route 66.
Make some money by selling those old treasures or find some bargains and treasures by taking a Labor Day weeekend cruise along Route 66.
While in Cuba…
While in Cuba, stop and see the murals, take a photo at the Historic Landmark Wagon Wheel Motel, stare in awe-struck wonder at the Guinness World’s Largest Rocking Chair, visit the Crawford County Historical Society Museum on Smith Street, and eat at one of our local restaurants. Check out the size 37 shoes at the Hayes Shoes Store while cruising Route 66.
You’re always welcome in Cuba, Missouri. Bring your camera
For more info about Cuba read, “5 Tips to get more out of your visit to Cuba, Missouri…”
Yesterday there was a a 43 mile yard “crawl” out here in western Virginia along Route 11, a major old north-south route. It’s been going for several years now and is well attended and a great adventure! I think it’s a great thing to do along Route 66, too. Brings a lot of people who are not “locals” out and lets them see the great towns along the historic road.