Viva Cuba members Kathy Lasley and Jill Barnett spent the morning cleaning out the planters around town.
Annual Trash Bash this Saturday!
It’s that time again. Spring has sprung (although it has been hard to tell with recent weather). Viva Cuba members spent the morning cleaning the old grasses out of the planters around town so that they could prepare the pots with new plantings for the summer.
After the planters were ready, they planted them with this season’s flowers. The new plantings look meager at first, but with some fertilizer and watering and warmer weather, they will soon flourish.
Now Viva Cuba needs a little help from their friends during the 27th Annual Trash Bash on Saturday, May 7.
If you would like to help Viva Cuba members during the annual spring Trash Bash, meet at the Viva Cuba Garden at Hwy. 19 and Route 66 on at 8:00 am for trash bags and safety versts. Bring your own gloves, and we’ll leave the town a little cleaner.
With the town’s clean up/pickup of May 2-3, many homeowners cleaned out their clutter. In the last week or two, many businesses have improved their store fronts and planted and trimmed around their businesses. Now it’s time for a little un-glamorous trash pickup.
Swinger Sanitation has donated the use of a large dumpster that will be placed across from the Viva Cuba Garden to hold trash bags and debris.
Help make our town look attractive, clean, and prosperous. Bring your organization, friends, and family to help make a difference.
Viva Cuba members came out to help fill Cuba’s planters with spring blooms
To read more about the trash bash, Cuba’s Adopt-A-Street Program and more go here.
Viva Cuba is a community betterment and beautification organization that was organized in 1984.