1. With the rocker as an attraction, business has grown for the Outpost.Initially, with only one outdoor archery range under the shadow of the rocker, the Outpost has developed into a 4-plex archery range including a Techno Hunt computer range, an indoor 3D range, and another indoor range. Weekly leagues offer family recreation for the area. Dan and Carolyn Sanazaro and their two children work to run a well organized family-friendly business for travelers and locals. In these tough times, it’s satisfying to see a business thrive. UPDATE: OVER THE YEARS MANY CHANGES HAVE TAKEN PLACE AT THE GENERAL STORE GROUNDS AND ARCHERY CENTER. VIISI THEIR WEBSITE FOR DETAILS.
2. Our rocker has become the center of annual community events that involve many of our citizens and others from outside the area.
*On March 31, 2012, the community will have the 4th annual 4-mile Race to the Rocker with a few hundred people running from the historic district in Cuba, Missouri to the Rocker at Fanning. This race, which involves many volunteers, sponsors, and participants, raises money for community projects. It is sponsored by JOG,inc., Cuba’s running club. UPDATE: THE EVENT STILL OCCURS IN MARCH BUT THE DATE CHANGES. CHECK THE ROUTE 66 RACE TO THE ROCKER FOR DETAILS.
*On August 6, 2011 the 3rd Picture at the Rocker Day takes place. On this day, a lift will raise groups and individuals to the seat of the rocking chair for a very distinctive photo. People of all ages have taken advantage of this opportunity. Last year a father drove for two hours to get a photo of him and his seven year old daughter on the seat of the rocker. After missing the event the year before, his daughter had waited a year for the picture with her dad. UPDATE: DUE TO INSURANCE CONCERNS, THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED.
*On September 24, 2011 The 4th Annual Iron Buck Archery Tournament takes place when archers of all ages meet the competitive challenge of the tournament, and the event showcases all that the center has to offer. It is also Customer Appreciation Day at the Outpost. UPDATE: THE DATE CHANGES ANNUALLY FOR THIS EVENT. CHECK THEIR WEBSITE FOR DETAILS.
3. The rocker is there in all weathers, day, and night, and it draws many to see its every-changing looks. It’s added to the character of our town and makes us smile–especially at the end of a 4-mile run.
Join us in wishing one of Route 66 newest landmarks a happy birthday and a prosperous year ahead. It’s big, it’s bright, and it”s ours.
4. UPDATE 2016: IT NEVER STOPS EVOLVING. In 2016, after its record was eclipsed by a rocker in Casey, Illinois, the rocker took on a new personna with a red paint job.
For more on the background of the rocker read, “Route 66 landmark Guinness World’s Largest Rocking Chair celebrates second birthday…”
5. We can never anticipate all that the rocker brings to our area. But now that the rocker is red, you have a reason to come back to Cuba for another photo op.