The Annual Viva Cuba Chair-i-table Auction will be held the evening of the Route 66 Mural City Party on May 14 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Cuba, Missouri. Periodically, we will showcase some of this year’s artist designed furnture. These creations will be sold at silent auction on May 14.

This restored vintage glider design was inspired by the artist's Hungarian grandmother's hand embroidery.
Julie Balogh Brand, a professional ceramic artist and painter who works from her studio in Cuba, Missouri, used her Hungarian grandmother’s hand embroidery, which is based on traditional Hungarian folk patterns, to inspire her design for this vintage glider, which is appropriately called Gypsy Glider.
The vintage glider was sandblasted, sprayed with a highly durable autobody paint, and decoratively painted with acrylics, and, finally, sprayed with clear coat sealant. Jim Montgomery Autobody completed the restoration portion of the project.
According to Brand, “There are floral raised areas on the glider which I wanted to work with and since it was vintage, it seemed to call for something nostalgic.” The nostalgic aspect brought Brand’s grandmother’s handwork to mind and helped her create the design.
Mary Marx, a recreational painter from St. Louis City, created two pieces for this year’s auction.
The first piece Nature’s Kaleidoscope, a wooden stool, bursts with its colorful glory. “Its circular shape lends itself well to the design and colors I’ve chosen, inspired by nature’s beauty, stained, glass effects, and quilt block designs,” states Marx in an email sent to Viva Cuba.
Marx’s second piece is called Tea for Two. The design is painted on what the artist says is a “very proper tea table.” “The design is all about a proper tea–or as proper as one wishes,” Marx said.

This small table would be an eye catching occasional table or a perfect "tea table" for a little girl.
To see all the Chair-i-table Auction artist furniture attend the Route 66 Mural City Party event on Saturday, May 14. The ticket admits two people for the dinner and includes music, beer, wine, setups, and a chance to win $10,000. Only 300 tickets are sold. Over half are already sold.
The event is a good way to have fun with friends and family and support Viva Cuba’s Mural Project.
For more Chair-i-table Auction offerings visit “2011 Chair-i-table Auction breaks with tradition…”
For “More information on the Route 66 Mural City Party on May 14,” read here. Over 1/2 of the tickets for the event have sold. Be sure to get yours soon. They sell out, and no one will be admitted the evening of the event without a ticket.