Once again, murals in Cuba “Route 66 Mural City” are in the news. A quartet of articles/blogs appeared this week concerning artist Ray Harvey and his murals in Cuba.
1. The latest Show Me Route 66 Magazine showcases the Cuba murals of artist Ray Harvey. The My Place Tire mural and a Diner mural at Victorian Manor Assisted Living facility are pictured in the article “Mural Artist Ray Harvey makes the walls along Route 66 talk.” The magazine is only available to Route 66 Association of Missouri members.
2. This week the Cuba Free Press ran the feature “Truck stop gets a Mural City makeover” about the 150 feet of artist Ray Harvey’s murals that were completed this winter at the Midwest Petroleum’s Travel Plaza. The transportation murals are part of Midwest Petroleum’s improvement program since they purchased the truck stop. Harvey hopes to have a t-shirt picturing the “Classic Road Show” mural by spring.
3. An additional mention of the murals is in a blog entry at Ron Warnick’s Route 66 News site. Ron keeps interested roadies from all over the world informed about Route 66 activities.
4. Harvey also painted Viva Cuba’s murals that are painted on the Phillips 66 Station at the corner of Route 66 and Hwy. 19. One of these murals is now on Viva Cuba’s latest t-shirt, which went on sale this week at the Visitor Center at Cuba exit 208.
Although not all the murals featured in the articles are Viva Cuba Mural Project murals, they are all part of the Route 66 Mural City’s identity that brings many people to focus on our town.