In my latest perusal of Vera Cantley’s “Recalling the Past” column in the Cuba Free Press, I gathered a few historical gems about Cuba’s holiday history. They concerned Santa, kids and their gifts, and the giving spirit of the community.
*In 1907, it stated that Good Saint Nicholas with his pack on his back was pictured coming into Cuba riding a bicycle. The editor of The Cuba Review used this as a heading for a column promoting Christmas shopping in Cuba. A list of stores followed.
In 1907, Fishwick’s store had a special department, Santa Claus Headquarters, with dolls from five cents each to $14.50. Fresh figs, candies, nuts, and oranges were also featured, perhaps for Christmas stockings. The doll for $14.50 must have been a real luxury item in 1907.
*In 1912, it was reported in the The Cuba Review that the children of Cuba were flocking to Fishwick’s store where Santa had set up a post office for children to make their wishes known to Santa. It seems Fishwick’s store had a pretty good marketing plan in place.
*Also in 1912, The Cuba Review reported that Mrs. G. R. Hitch received a letter from the Children’s Home in St. Louis thanking the people of Cuba for their gift of a barrel of canned fruit and a barrel of apples, which was sent from Cuba to the orphans at the home. In the early 1900s, the apple industry was booming in Cuba, and it seems the spirit of giving was alive.
Looking back at these historical glimpses of the Christmas season is entertaining, but they can also be a reminder.
*Enjoy Santa and remember the magic
* Shop local by giving the item or a gift certificate. More of the money spent in the community stays in the community, and it helps local business people stay in business.
*Give to a good cause. Many wonderful programs and causes are in place where your gifts can be appreciated: the Food Pantry, Friday Backpacks for Kids program, the Key Club Book Drive, various toy drives, and anonymous gifting that helps someone out during tough times.
Keep the spirit of Santa and giving alive this holiday season.
For more about the gift of apples in Cuba read “Methodists in 1906 ‘Let them eat apples.'”
Thank you Mrs. Cantley for keeping Cuba’s history alive. May you have a Merry Christmas.