Viva Cuba is a beautification organization, and we like to work on positive improvements: murals, plantings, lighting, landscaping. But sometimes, it is necessary to look at some negatives. A once a year spring Trash Bash is not enough. We need community support to make a difference.
Look around the streets of Cuba. Every day you see signs of some people trashing them: plastic bottles, fast food, cigarette packs, and the ever popular liquor containers. This leads to the first way to improve the streets of Cuba.
1. Stop littering. Teach your kids not to litter. Set an example. The candy wrapper, the fast food wrappers, the empty drink bottles,used lottery tickets, the unwanted receipt or bag, or trash blowing out of the back of pickups: when this litter hits the streets, that shows disrespect. Every time a package or wrapper is thrown from a car or truck, it sets an example.
2. Join the Adopt-A-Street program. You can do it individually, as an organization, or as a neighborhood group. Sometimes the socially responsible have to take the lead to make up for those who aren’t. Read the Cuba Free Press article that discusses the program. Get the details on the program on our website here. You can also obtain the registration form to join. Viva Cuba and some of our members have adopted streets. We keep the Viva Cuba Garden at the 4-Way clean. Other organizations are doing their part.
3. Not a joiner? Act as an individual. We appreciate businesses and homeowners who try to keep up with the litter around their neighborhoods. Read the Cuba Free Press article on Stephen Land, a transplant to Cuba, who has taken it upon himself to improve the streets of Cuba. Mr. Land understands the importance of keeping the historical areas of Cuba looking clean and tidy. His work has impressed many people. Think what a few more individuals could do.
4. Be litter conscious and help Viva Cuba spotlight a cleaner Cuba. If you sell products that could cause litter, post our sign that focuses on Treasuring Cuba and helping keep Cuba clean. We are working with the school to post the signs and put emphasis on not littering. Education is always a key. Email us or call if you will display a poster at your place of business in a place where all can see it. Make your business part of the solution in 2011. We will spotlight your posting of the posters in our blogs and on our Facebook page.
As this year grows to a close and a new one begins, help Viva Cuba make a concerted effort in the next year to improve the streets of Cuba. Let city officials know what they can do. Offer your suggestions to the city or Viva Cuba. Pick a project where you can help. Drop us a note or send us a photo of what you or your group is doing to make a difference. Let’s not throw away our chance to be known not only as a pretty town but also as a clean town. Let’s hear some feedback. And share this post with others in Cuba.