- Viva Cuba is sharing a news release that we received this week from three of our alumni of Cuba High School. During the October 16-17 Cuba Fest, there will be a special artists’ reception and acoustic music event at Cuba Lakes Golf Course on Saturday, October 16. The press release gives details of the event. Colin and Myles Shaw are brothers now living in St. Louis, and Matt Isbell was a childhood friend. Share their talents at Cuba Lakes Club House on Saturday, October 16 from 7:00-10:00 pm, with Myles Shaw performing at 8:00.
Cuba Lakes welcomes Cuba High Alumni artists Matt Isbell and Colin Michael Shaw on Saturday, October 16th. In conjunction with the Cuba Fest weekend activities, an artist’s reception, free and open to the public will be held from 7pm – 10pm. Cuba Lakes Clubhouse is located at 241 Highway O in Cuba, MO. A special acoustic musical performance by Myles Shaw will entertain the crowd throughout the course of the evening.
The two artists began drawing together after meeting in fifth grade at Cuba R2 schools, often times spending entire weekends at one another’s childhood homes sharing their creative ideas, play, and drawing time. Keeping in touch over the years, Isbell built his career in graphic arts and illustration while Shaw developed his techniques in modern fine art painting. “Though Matt and I grew in very different directions stylistically, we could both easily see a real connection in our current work- the surrealist, fantasy elements prevalent in what we are both doing is undeniable,” says Shaw “An otherworldly influence present in our art is what ties it together- two very distinct, yet both highly imaginative approaches.”
Isbell’s work can be seen and fine art prints purchased at misbell.imagekind.com and misbell.deviantart.com. The day to day of Shaw’s work can be followed at his online artist’s journal: http://shawart.blogspot.com/
For Viva Cuba’s trio of events at the 2010 Cuba Fest read here.