A trip around Cuba, MO shows some changes, updates, and “signs” of summer.
On Smith and Washington, the History Museum folks have changed their sign to point out that they have some info on Rt. 66 and the murals. Their new website address is also on the sign. If you haven’t visited the museum, check out their website, and then make a visit. Take the kids and show them what it was like back-in-the-day.
The Museum staff works continually on improving their exhibits and collections. Upgrading their Route 66 collection is a current goal. They would love to make copies of any of your Rt. 66 photos, memorabilia, etc.. Museum hours are expanded for the summer.
The Main Street Bakery and Cafe has undergone several changes of management and names since its opening and is about to undergo another. Gordon Juneau, formerly of Gordoz in Rolla, will be re-opening in the historic Cox Complex building. As the sign in the window shows, he is advertising for workers. We look forward to having the 100+ year-old building with its murals and hand-painted signage re-open.
The Gym has new quarters in the Resource Recovery building. Inside, they have cardio rooms, a weight room, a children’s play area, a personal training room, office, and more. Travelers can get a day pass. The business has a convenient rear entrance off Oakhill Road.
Update: The Gym is now the Git Fit Gym, and it is located off the N. Service Road past the Best Western Motel.

The Gym has moved to new quarters at 412 N. Franklin, the back of the Resource Recovery building with a rear entrance on Oakhill Road.
One sign in town which changes weekly is the sign at the Methodist Church located on Washington (old Route 66). The signs are sometimes humorous and make a spiritual, sometimes Biblical, observation.
Connie’s Shoppe at the Wagon Wheel Motel now has a new green sign on Route 66. The newly renovated rooms are open for booking and the gift shop is drawing lots of visitors.

Connie’s Shoppe at the Wagon Wheel has a new bright green sign to bring folks into the gift shop/office. Of course, the neon Wagon Wheel Motel sign still shines at night as it has since 1947.
The last sign is our candidate for a sign upgrade. The current sign is too small for the entrance to Hood Park. The metal sign on the right identifies Hood Park, but it seems a little dwarfed by the rock fence at the entrance gates. Could someone come up with a better plan for a classy sign and a way for the city to finance it? The industrial parks will be getting new signs this summer. Perhaps Hood Park could get one like those so that there would be some consistency of signs in Cuba. Or perhaps one of the local welders could make an arched metal sign over the entrance.
Or maybe we could have this really big rocking chair at the entrance with the name of the park on it. Only kidding about that…That’s a crazy idea.