Usually Viva Cuba encourages people to slow down, get a brochure, and look at the murals. But on March 27, 2010, we suggest that you join the 2nd annual Race to the Rocker and just keep running–or walking at a brisk clip.
It is a 4-mile straight shot race along Rt. 66 from Britton’s Funeral home to the Guinness World’s Largest Rocking Chair at Fanning, Missouri where owners Dan and Carolyn Sanazaro welcome the racers to the Fanning Outpost General Store, home of the rocker. Brad Austin of JOG, inc. is the race director and co-founder of JOG, inc.
This week JOG, inc. introduced its new website and opened entry to the 2010 Race to the Rocker. JOG, inc. is in its second year of being Cuba, Missouri‘s first running club with group runs and special events. This year’s race will benefit the Cuba High School Track.
An email from JOG, inc. secretary Rachell Austin stated that registration is now open at or at the JOG,inc. website for the March 27 race and that there are special incentives for early registration. More details and race fees for children are available at the JOG, inc. site as well as a downloadable mail-in race registration form.
The fee is is $20 for pre-registration on or before March 10 and $25 after March 10. There are also drawings for a long-sleeve technical, “wicking fabric,” Race to the Rocker shirt. For those who register before February 1, a drawing will be held for five people to win a shirt. For those who register before March 1, an additional three people will win a shirt. All racers will receive a Race to the Rocker cotton t-shirt.
Whether you are a business or an individual, make sure that you are part of this community event. Last year there were 150 racers who had their photo taken under the rocker. If there are 300 racers this year, Brad and Rachelle will stand on the seat of the rocker for this year’s photo.
This is a great weekend to gather friends and family for the race, photos, and then–check out Cuba’s public art and attractions after the race.