Usually when one thinks of ditches, underpasses, sidewalks, and curbs, one does not think of beautification. But as the photos on this site show, these elements can make a big difference in a town’s appearance.
In 1991, when Dr. Don Fuchs was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, these elements were lacking in Cuba. Members of the Chamber saw the conditions of Hwy. 19 as both unsightly and dangerous. Listed as problems on Highway 19 and the I-44 exchange were the following: poor lighting, poor traffic patterns, no sidewalks or curbs, and other problems that caused poor traffic flow and unsightly roadways.

Without proper drainage, water collected and caused problems. Notice the lack of attractive plantings.
The Chamber formed a committee to work with MoDOT to solve some of these problems, and vast improvements took place in infrastructure and beautification. MoDOT widened the overpass and installed traffic lights and added extra lanes through Cuba. Curbs and sidewalks were added. Viva Cuba planted trees and shrubs and unsightly weeds were eliminated. The city improved the lighting system, and everyone benefited.

Before the overpass was widened and lights installed, backed up traffic on the approach ramps was common.
Dr. Fuchs has shared his before photos to show what our roadways use to look like. While we still have traffic problems, the infrastructure is much better than it once was. Occassionally, it is necessary to look back at the past to appreciate the present and remember that it takes many elements to maintain an attractive town: the city, civic organizations, and MoDOT. It also takes businesses that provide attractive and clean premises. It takes citizens to treat the city and its streets and biways with respect.

Today, there are walks, curbs, and more lanes for traffic. Plantings improve the looks of the entrance to town.
Today public art is abundant on the streets and in businesses. There is an attractive Visitor Center. Plantings, planters, benches, and other signs of beautification are apparent. The infrastructure is better. However, there is always more to be done. What ideas do you have to continue improvement in Cuba, Missouri?
Also see Before and after images tell the tale of restoration in Cuba, Missouri…and 25 Years of Beautifying Cuba, Missouri “Route 66 Mural City” : Viva Cuba’s green projects have helped shape the community.