Everything’s coming up roses…

The knockout roses in the Viva Cuba Garden have garnered a lot of attention.

The knockout roses in the Viva Cuba Garden have garnered a lot of attention.

“What are those flowers in the Viva Cuba Garden? They’re beautiful.”  Viva Cuba members have been answering that question in response to the beautiful blooms in the Viva Cuba Garden.

They are knockout roses, and this is their third season.  They are a hardy landscape rose that blooms from early summer into the fall and can take heat and humidity.  They are all pretty disease resistant and don’t require a lot of care.  These are not your mother’s roses.

If you google knockout roses, you can find more details about care, colors, and varieties.  I saw that there was a double knockout rose available.

Of course, our groundskeeper Gene Beyers helps Viva Cuba keep our garden in tip-top shape so that it provides a beautiful backdrop to the roses.

Grow your own or enjoy ours.  It’s all about beautification.

The pink knockout roses surround the Garden's sign.

The pink knockout roses surround the Garden's sign.